Presentations of the conference speakers

The presentations will be sent to praticipants of the conference by e-mail.


Spanish IQA of Doctoral Studies 20181015

Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, Ignacio Bravo Munoz
"An example of IQA in a Doctorate Program in Spain"

Presentation BR англ Бернард Ремо

Bernard Remaud
"Assessment of learning outcomes: a challenge for peer reviews"

Astana Conference Мари Элизабет

Marie-Elisabeth Baudoin
"From IQA to EQA through the drafting of a self-assessment report : the experience of a French HEI"

ESR Hceres DEI UK preslongue Соланж Пизар

François Pernot, Solange Pisarz
"External quality assurance in the French context : Hcéres experience"

Expert training ANQA Astana finalRT Рубен Топчан

Ruben Topchyan
"ANQA experience on capacity development of experts"