24 February 2021

In memory of professor Andrei Verbitsky


      On December 22, 2020, at the age of 79, Andrei Verbitsky passed away. Andrey Verbitsky is an outstanding scientist in the field of psychology and education, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Pedagogical University.
Academician Andrey Verbitsky is the author of the world-famous psychological and pedagogical theory of contextual education, the founder and permanent head of the eponymous scientific and pedagogical school, which has been conducting research and development for more than 35 years.
We knew him as an exceptionally intelligent and delicate person, with high moral values and a rich soul.
Andrey Verbitsky participated in the research projects of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "Higher School of Russia", "Innovative Pedagogical Technologies", provided scientific guidance and participated in the development of state Concepts of continuing education and continuing postgraduate education. It is difficult to assess the contribution made by Andrey Verbitsky to the world psychological and pedagogical science and education.
Andrey Verbitsky several times participated in the procedure of external audit of IQAA in Kazakhstani universities. In 2018, he participated as a key speaker at the First Annual Eurasian Forum on Quality Assurance in Education IQAA "Forward to the Future: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges in Ensuring the quality of higher Education".
The management and staff of IQAA mourn the sudden passing of such an outstanding scientist and remarkable person.